Oregon Wraparound Events
Find Training and Coaching opportunities, as well as Learning Collaboratives and Workgroups.
Calendar of Events
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Advanced Training: Substance Use in Wraparound
Advanced Training: Substance Use in Wraparound
Description: This advanced training will focus on developing and enhancing practitioners’ knowledge and skills on how to best support youth who use substances or experience addiction. Practitioners will receive an […]
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Bi-Monthly Consultation Call
Bi-Monthly Consultation Call
Desription: Trainers will lead discussions on broad topics related to Wraparound and will host discussions around specific questions brought to the consultation by the field. Intended Participants: Care coordinators, youth […]
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CANS, Fidelity Tool, and WrapStat Coaching Call
CANS, Fidelity Tool, and WrapStat Coaching Call
Description: One-hour coaching calls open to all Oregon WrapStat users, wraparound practitioners using TOM 2.0, WFI-EZ and CANS. Will provide support with any questions or technical assistance needed. Intended Participants: […]
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Advanced Training: Crisis Cycle and Crisis and Safety Planning
Advanced Training: Crisis Cycle and Crisis and Safety Planning
Description: This advanced training will review the basic elements of a crisis and safety plan before taking a deeper look at more specific aspects, promoting the development and enhancement of […]
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Cultural Considerations Workgroup
Cultural Considerations Workgroup
Description: A workgroup formed to provide consultation and recommendations to guide high quality Wraparound implementation to fidelity in Oregon in ensuring cultural and linguistic perspectives and needs are considered and […]
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Types of Events
Get group instruction centered in Wraparound best practices.
Refine how your team implements quality Wraparound with sessions geared towards removing barriers.
Workshops & Workgroups
Connect with other practitioners to share resources, tools, and ideas.